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Bloom Gif.gif


The start of a journey and the flow of nature.

Animated and Composed by Pichayapha Sabpisal

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Through out my journey as a film maker and an animator, I made works that were incredibly personal. My first personal film was Spark, a short animation reflecting on the fragility of life. Feeling a bit weary from the moment of vulnerability, Wandering Neath' the Withering Tree was born with the feelings of being lost and searching for something new. In contrast with the other films, Bloom represents more happier times. It is the start of a journey, full of discoveries, energy, and ups and downs. It has a very smooth flow, like it will not stop.

The Animation

Every time I make a film, I set limitations for myself. The medium of this film was to be strictly digital, and the scenes needed to shift into one another seamlessly, mimicing the way that the music flows smoothly. As such, every object or animal morphs into one another, and at times coexisting and the line between plant and organism is blurred. After all in nature, everything relates to one another.

Composing the Music

I composed the music for Bloom first. In most of my films, music drives the pacing of the animation, and informs the sequence of images. The same was with Bloom. While I was composing, I thought of the image of water and droplets and rain. I wanted something that twinkled and flowed. I wanted something that felt like there was something growing, and something diminishing, and I wanted it to build as well.​

After I finished composing the music, I made a visual representation of my understanding of the song. The main part of the song is diagrammed with numbers representing the bars. The time signature of the song is 4/4. The curves represent the dynamitism in the music, which is then reflected in the animation. There is a sort of ebb and flow. Things growing, then declining, sometimes growing very big, and sometimes growing very small.

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